Individual, transparent, efficient: about our clearing software JustClear

With JustClear, we offer our logistics customers a clearing software that helps them to simplify time-consuming invoicing. With customized tariffs on a monthly basis, individually adaptable conditions and automatic invoice generation, JustClear takes over the management of shipments, customs clearance, dangerous goods and tariff changes. The intelligent freight handling system ensures transparency and fair settlements […]

abacab management GmbH becomes abacab cloud solutions GmbH

abacab merger combines resources abacab opens a new chapter. On April 1, 2024, abacab cloud solutions GmbH merged with abacab management GmbH. In future, abacab cloud solutions will take over all rights and services under a joint company name. Managing Directors Jan and Christian Meyer explain why abacab decided to take this path and the […]

abacab management GmbH goes abacab cloud solutions GmbH

abacab merger combines resources abacab opens a new chapter. On April 1, 2024, abacab cloud solutions GmbH merged with abacab management GmbH. In future, abacab cloud solutions will take over all rights and services under a joint company name. Managing Directors Jan and Christian Meyer explain why abacab decided to take this path and the […]

abacab goes TMS Kopieren

abacab goes TMS

In einer zunehmend digitalen Logistikwelt ist es von großer Bedeutung, dass Unternehmen eine ganzheitliche Digitalisierungsstrategie verfolgen, um ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erhalten. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, ist es entscheidend, auf Experten zurückgreifen zu können, die sie bei ihren Vorhaben unterstützen und ihnen in allen Fragen rund um Digitalisierung zur Seite stehen. Die abacab hat es […]

abacab goes TMS

abacab goes TMS

In an increasingly digital logistics world, it is of great importance that companies pursue a holistic digitization strategy in order to maintain their competitiveness. In order to achieve this goal, it is crucial to have access to experts who can support them in their plans and assist them in all matters relating to digitization. abacab […]

abacab is pronounced [æbakæb]

abacab is pronounced [æbakæb] abacab is an artificial word created by the band Genesis in 1981 for the title of their eleventh studio album. The name represents the search for new ideas and creative working methods, as well as the collaboration of several performers. While searching for a suitable company name, Uwe Meyer, an enthusiastic Genesis fan, […]